Bonding of Styrofoam panels using jointless insulation system method
STYROFIX polyurethane adhesive is used for fixing Styrofoam panels during thermal insulation of external walls of buildings, Styrofoam coffers, wall panels, window sills, filling gaps in thermal insulation. The polyurethane adhesive has excellent adhesion to concrete, ceramic, wooden and PVC substrates, as well as all kinds of styrofoams and plaster. After 2 hours from fixing you can start grinding and studding of the panels.
Extruded polystyrene (XPS) bonding with adhesive
The STYROFIX polyurethane adhesive is used in ground thermal insulation systems (foundations) with the use of extruded polystyrene panels (XPS) and expanded polystyrene (EPS). The polyurethane adhesive has excellent adhesion to concrete, ceramic, wooden and PVC substrates, as well as all kinds of styrofoams, plasters and bitumen-coated substrates, tar paper and asphalt insulation compounds. After 2 hours from fixing, an initial setting is obtained, allowing for the continuation of the ground level protection works, and full setting of the polyurethane joint is obtained after 24 hours.